Lions have been working with vision since an appearance of Helen Keller at a meeting 99 years ago!
We now have access to 3 vision screening refractors (camera) that instantly diagnose eye disease, especially in children with no drops and no touching.
Here in Volusia County we have partnered with the Early Learning Coalition of Flagler and Volusia County to screen the approximately 5,000 preschool children. Find an eye die other before the optic nerve fully developed at about age 8 for the best corrective results. The ELCFV funds the "free" Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program (VPK). We screen the children (and adults) and IF there is a financical need, we offer free doctors visits, glasses, and needed surgery.
Because 50% of the adults (40+) who go blind is because of diabetes, we are actively trying to screen for blood sugar levels. CDC tells us the average person goes 5 yars before being diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes.
ALL SERVICES BY LIONS ARE FREE. We raise funds with various projects, inclindgin fish frys, golf tournaments, past party, and donations. Lions International charger requires ALL DONATIONS AND FUNDS RAISED must be used to provide services. We pay dues and make internal donations to pay fsor banners, signs, clithijg that show we are Lions.
Lions Clubs are the WORLD'S LARGEST SERVICED ORGANIZATION. We have clubs in over 200 countries.
The Ormond Beach Lions provide free Vision & Diabetes screening on the first Thursday of each month, located inside the Ormond Beach Library. No appointments are needed. JULY 4TH THE LIBRARY IS CLOSED SO WE WILL BE THERE ON JULY 11TH. 9am – 1pm