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Ormond Beach grants MetroNet's Fiber Optic Internet installation.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
The City of Ormond Beach has granted permission to MetroNet, a leading telecommunications provider, to begin an installation project of fiber optic internet cable within the city limits of Ormond Beach, granted under the framework of Florida Statutes (F.S. 337.401), which mandates that public utilities, including telecommunication providers can utilize public rights of way for their infrastructure projects. This statute also ensures that local municipalities do not impose unreasonable or discriminatory regulations on these utilities.
As per the provisions of F.S. 337.401, the City of Ormond Beach retains the authority to require utility companies seeking access to public rights of way to register with the city authorities by submitting detailed permits outlining the size and placement of their facilities. The primary objective of this permit review is to ensure that these installations avoid disruptions to roadways, private properties, and existing public utilities.
MetroNet's current endeavor in Ormond Beach involves the installation of advanced fiber optic internet cables, with its established reputation as a high-speed internet service provider, to enhance network infrastructure, potentially improving internet speeds and reliability for residents and businesses.
Addressing concerns related to property access, MetroNet has clarified that its workers will operate within the public right-of-way rather than directly on private properties, which is typically broader than the road surface, and occasionally extends onto apparent private land. Right-of-way dimensions may vary, with side streets often featuring a width of approximately 50 feet, while more frequented routes may have a wider right-of-way.
In response to inquiries about vehicles seemingly parked on private properties, MetroNet assures property owners that crews are not permitted to utilize private yards as parking spaces without explicit permission. If you observe vehicles in what appears to be your yard, they are likely within the right-of-way, where they have authorization to park.
Residents who have noticed an increased presence of flags and painted marks on their properties need not be alarmed. This visual marking system is part of the utility location procedure to prevent damage throughout the project. The contractor responsible for the installation must request utility companies to mark their underground facilities within 30 days. Different colors indicate distinct types of utilities, each associated with a specific color code.
For further information and inquiries, residents should contact MetroNet, at 877-386-3876.