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County to Increase Parking Fines for Illegally Parked Vehicles.
Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
At the regularly scheduled County Council meeting Tuesday, county officials have decided to raise parking fines for the first time since 2006.
The Volusia County Council voted to more than double parking fines in the unincorporated parts of the county. The hope is that the increase will act as a deterrent and help quell the parking woes that have been plaguing beachside neighborhoods.
A large amount of illegally parked vehicles has sparked numerous amounts of growing complaints across the southeastern part of the county and does not only create an inconvenience but is an eyesore for residents.
Councilwoman Deb Denys originally brought attention to the concern back in August, with worries that the illegally parked cars could impede response vehicles from getting to an emergency.
Tuesday’s decision by the council raises the parking fine to $35 and also tacks on an extra $10 surcharge to help fund the school crossing guard program, for a total cost per-ticket of $45. The council also increased the fine for overtime parking from $10 to $35 plus the $10 surcharge.
The $10 surcharge is permitted by state statute.