St Brendan Catholic Church
Our Mission
Following the example of Jesus
all who come to St. Brendan Catholic Church
are treated with respect and dignity
regardless of their limitations,
race, color, creed or manner of living.
Each person created is a masterpiece,
formed by God,
the Father of all.
By our attitude and acceptance,
as we are accepted by God,
we provide a place
where all can know love.
With all we do flowing from our belief in the
presence of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament,
we know the Heart of Love
and enable others to know Him as well.
Aware of God’s deep compassion for the sick and suffering,
we use our talents
to build up the Body of Christ
bringing strength to our living
by our mutual support and affirmation.
In our service of the Holy Church and each other
we not only “give”
but are offered many opportunities to “receive”.
We, as a parish rooted in Jesus,
truly believe His words:
“as often as you did it for the least of my people,
you did it for me.